Why are we teaching ?!

Maybe it's an easy question to answer but if you checked it out for a minute you are going to find the tricky reality of it.

Some answers were in the form of " We are teaching to pass the torch of our cultures, knowledge and experiences to our beloved students ".

This question has stopped me from planning for my second unit during this term, just trying to find a logic answer satisfy my crazy brain cells. 

After thinking and working on that question in the first unit which is about " Forming Teams & Competitions ". Finally I've got the answer " We are teaching to learn ".

Yeah my dear readers " All of us - teachers - are teaching to learn ", I've monitored my upper grades students and their attitude during the games and I found an analysis of their behavior and also commitment to " Sportsmanship Checklist " and I've found the following :

1) Selim - Y7 - : I've learned how to handle a team and lead them away from stressing them even if they are inches of losing. 

2) Moaz -Y7 - : I've learned to accept losses and turn it the next week to amazing achievements even if my won't be in the first place .

3) Nour Mady - Y5 - : I've learned how to adapt to a new environment and new life style even if I'm feeling alone most of the time also working hard in a positive way to get into the partnership harmony. 

These are the three remarkable examples for the first unit so far and I'm really excited about learning more from the rest of the students during the upcoming units this year. 

See you all after Unit 2 .


إرسال تعليق

المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

رؤية تحليلة لمشهد النهاية فى مسلسل كـفـر دلـهـاب

الانس و الجنس

مجتمع متدين " فشخ "